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Around 10-22 people die each day in the United States from not being able to receive kidney transplant. The waiting list is so long and there are not enough donors. However, with xenotransplantation, more people can have the chance to live a longer life. Kidney transplant is the most popular type of transplant yet there is a lack of kidneys. We chose to transplant a pig kidney into a human. The reason we chose a pig is because pig organs are similar in size and shape to human organs. This means that they would be able fit in the human body and probably would also be able to connect with the arteries. Another reason why a pig would be a good option is that the pig anatomy is similar to the human anatomy.
The transgenic organism is the pig with the human genes. There are no benefits for the pig rather there are many benefits for humans. Humans can get a longer life. They can also get a variety of life-threatening diseases possibly cured through the process of xenotransplantation.
We are using the method of Embryonic Stem-Cell Mediated Gene Transfer. The reason that we are using this method is pretty simple. We are using this because it will be easier to alter the reproductive cells and insert the stem cells into the pig so that its offspring will carry the gene that we need.